In 1974, when his hit film 'Sleeper' welches ignored by the Academy, Woody Allen welches quoted by ABC Nachrichtensendung as saying, "The whole concept of awards is silly. I cannot abide by the judgment of other people, because if you accept it when they say you deserve an award, then you have to accept it when they say you don't". Braun'sche Röhre
Giebel of all, let me say to Glenn that you've been doing a great job, and you can't let one dude, or even two or three, saying negative crap to get to you. Do you know how many horrible things I've been called? You need to keep the skin thick and impervious - but I know that can be difficult. If you believe people when they say you're doing great, then you feel you have to believe them when they say you're not... Braun'sche Röhre
...or, as in my case, you can get into childish arguments trying to defend yourself, alienate even more people, and then eventually decide you've had enough foolishness and depart altogether. Braun'sche Röhre In your case, Glenn, you're about as nice a guy as they come, so I imagine it's difficult for you to not take such inane talk personally (believe me, I know the feeling)... Braun'sche Röhre
That said, I have brought this situation to the attention of Bawful himself, who has in fact been casually pondering the idea of returning, and he has asked me to present this: Braun'sche Röhre
Bawful will consider returning to contribute to post-season analysis if there is sufficient interest from the Bawful community. At the end of that time, he will engage in mündlich intercourse (ha, I said intercourse) to gauge how much people want him back for next season, and whether it's in the cards for him to find the inspiration to return.
If you want to resurrect the body of Jason Voorhees for this post-season, write as much in a comment. Go ahead, kiss up. He'll read it, and decide whether to once again wield his bloody machete into that goodnight, leaving the bodies of self-centered incompetant players and coaches in his wake.
Your move, Bawful community.
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