Dzanga Bai: Biggest Meeting Place For Forest Elephants In Africa / Dzanga Bai: Größter Sammelplatz Für Waldelefanten In Afrika
Dzanga Bai: Exciting to finally see the ... Dzanga Bai: Aufregend, endlich die ... |
... shy forest elephants ... scheuen Waldelefanten zu sehen |
Dzanga Bai - We already heard so many stories about this magical place where elephants congregate in big numbers. It ought to be even the biggest gathering place for forest elephants in Africa (with daher a shocking incident in 2013, see INFOBOX 2 below). But why are they coming to this Bai, which is daher called ‘village of elephants’? The reason is simple: The soil of this big forest clearing is extremely rich in mineral salts, and this is vital for the animals' health. That is what attracts the pachyderms and other wildlife from all corners of the forest.
It is now high time for us to get to the 'Mecca for the forest elephants'. By car, we first have to travel a few kilometers to the park headquarters outside Bayanga. Dzanga Bai is located in the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, part of the Sangha Trinational World Heritage Site, and is jointly managed by the WWF and the government. We complete all formalities, pick up our guide and Ba’Aka tracker and then set off another estimated twelve kilometers into the rainforest. From here we have to walk about 40 minutes through primary forest on a path created by elephants. We daher have to wade through a stream. As its level is knee-deep, we take off our boots and walk barefoot through the water. Martin even keeps walking barefoot until we come to the Bai. We now just have to climb the staircase about six meters up and we are on top of the platform.

At the Dzanga-Sangha park headquarters
Vor die Parkverwaltung des Dzanga-Sangha

Our companions remove overhanging branches
Unsere Artikel wegschaffen überhängende Äste

On our way to the Dzanga Bai we daher have to
wade through a stream.
Auf unserem Straße zur Dzanga Bai müssen wir auch
einen Fluss durchwaten.

We decide to do this barefoot.
Wir kreieren das leicht barfuß.
Vor die Parkverwaltung des Dzanga-Sangha
Unsere Artikel wegschaffen überhängende Äste
wade through a stream.
Auf unserem Straße zur Dzanga Bai müssen wir auch
einen Fluss durchwaten.
Wir kreieren das leicht barfuß.
Our first forest elephants, Yippie!
From here we have a stunning view onto the Bai - and a sight that makes my heart beat faster. Forest elephants, finally!!! We do not take this sight for granted at all, knowing that usually, the experience to observe the shy forest elephants in the wild is feasible just to a handful of researchers and some tourists who spare no effort to travel to this remote area.
At first, we see only a family of five, but yet I am completely fascinated by these majestic animals. They look different from the savanna elephants, which comes as no surprise, since both are two distinct species (for more please see the INFOBOX 1 below). We are alarmed to see them that nervous and scared. At the slightest sound, they flee into the dense forest. It takes long before they hesitantly dare to return to the clearing.
As soon as they are back, we watch them splashing, getting mud baths, playing and of course digging for and feeding extensively on the mineral-rich soil.
The forest elephants dig and feed extensively on ... Die Waldelefanten graben ausgiebig ... |
... the mineral-rich soil here at the Dzanga Bai ... hinein mineralstoffhaltigen Schlick die Saline hier eingeschaltet die Dzanga Bai |
But at the slightest sound they flee into the dense forest. Aber beim leisesten Erschütterungen fliehen sie umgehend ins Dickicht des Waldes. |
Colourful elephants, and bongos!
Do you notice the different colours of the elephants? This is due to the mud bathing in the clay, which is found in different colours in the Bai and in the rainforest. Elephants love to bathe and wallow in the mud, in order to cool off and protect their very sensitive skin from the sun and parasites - and maybe sometimes daher just for fun.
We not only find forest elephants at the Bai, but daher the rare and timid bongos. At first, we just see one or two, later on even two groups of 33 forest antelopes altogether.
What a sight! The rare forest elephants together with ... Was für beliebig Anblick! Die seltenen Waldelefanten zusammen mit ... |
the timid bongos ... ... den scheuen Bongos ... |
... here at the Dzanga Bai. ... hier eingeschaltet die Dzanga Bai. |
We meet Andrea Turkalo, the leading expert on forest elephants
After midday, two more people join us on the viewing platform. It is Andrea Turkalo and her companion. Andrea is a WCS Associate Conservation Scientist and the leading expert on forest elephants. She lives close by, in a camp deep in the forest. Andrea walks to the clearing every day, for 26 years already, to study the demography and behaviour of the forest elephants at the Dzanga Bai. Since little is known about this species, Andrea’s research is of great importance.
Andrea Turkalo, the person who knows forest elephants best Andrea Turkalo gilt als die Expertin für Waldelefanten |
We talk quietly, when she shares insights into her work. “How many elephants have you seen so far?”, she then asks. “Just 18”, I reply a little disappointed, knowing that in the past between 50 to 100 have been seen at the clearing at a time. I daher mention our concern as to the behaviour of the elephants. Yes, they are considered as timid, but still. We find them extremely nervous and frightened. Although the last couple of days Andrea has counted well over 18 elephants, she too is concerned about their unsettled behaviour. She fears that there might be people hanging around who do not belong in this area. In other words, she suspects poaching. That is really alarming! Let’s hope her suspicion will not be confirmed. Or the poachers will get caught before they can cause any harm to the wildlife. Geez! Is there really nowhere on earth a last piece of heaven left? Admitted, this I refuse to believe.
Martin enjoys a little snack. Martin nimmt eine kleine Stärkung zu sich. |
Later I express my gratitude for her tireless work for the elephants, and I am humbled that Andrea daher thanks us for coming to the Dzanga Bai and for visiting the forest elephants and hopefully daher spreading the word about this special place and wildlife worth protecting.
Do you care?
Dear friends, if you, too, feel like pachyderms have to be cared for, please keep yourself informed about the situation of the forest elephants. Maybe you consider getting actively involved in elephant protection, or even visiting this mystic place one day? It is worth it, we promise you!
Some information about Andrea Turkalo:
WWF: "At least 26 Elephants Massacred In World Heritage Site"
Mongabay: "Elephants massacred for ivory in Central African Republic"
Video: "A Killing at the Bai"
And which measures did WWF and WCS take to protect the Bai? Please read e.g. here:
Conservation Watch: "How WWF and WCS came to hire a private security firm in Dzanga-Sangha, Central African Republic
Spiegel Online: "Zahl die Waldelefanten sinkt dramatisch"). Vielleicht überlegt ihr jawohl auch, euch aktiv für den Erhalt die Dickhäuter einzusetzen, oder sogar einmal hierher zu reisen, zum 'Mekka die Waldelefanten'? Es ist beliebig Besuch wert, das versprechen wir euch!
Aktueller Nachtrag 😢 Spiegel Online: "Gier besiegt Liebe. Waldelefanten-Wilderei in Afrika"
African Forest Elephant
- is not a subspecies of the African Savanna (or Bush) Elephant, but eingeschaltet own species: "Africa's forest and savanna elephants are as different from one another as lions and tigers", says WWF: "At least 26 Elephants Massacred In World Heritage Site"
Mongabay: "Elephants massacred for ivory in Central African Republic"
Video: "A Killing at the Bai"And which measures did WWF and WCS take to protect the Bai? Please read e.g. here:
Conservation Watch: "How WWF and WCS came to hire a private security firm in Dzanga-Sangha, Central African Republic
National Geographic: "DNA Tests Show African Elephants Are Two Species"
- Habitat - Both, African Forest Elephants and African Savanna Elephants, live in sub-Saharan Africa, but Forest Elephants live in the humid and dense rainforest of West and Central Africa, particularly in the Congo basin. African Savanna Elephants live in and around the grassy savanna.
- Tusks - The tusks of Forest Elephants are usually thinner and straighter, which keeps them from getting tangled in the dense undergrowth of the rainforest. The tusks of Savanna Elephants are thicker and curve outwards.
- Size - Forest Elephants are usually smaller than Savanna Elephants. An adult male Forest Elephant is about 2.5 meters tall and weighs about 2.7 tons. An adult male Savanna Elephant stands about 3 meters tall and weighs about 5.5 tons.
- Ears - The ears of Forest Elephants are usually smaller and rounder than the ears of Savanna Elephants.
- Toenails - The Forest Elephants have five toenails on their front feet and four toenails on their hind feet. The Savanna Elephants have four on their front and three on their hind feet.
INFOBOX 1Afrikanische Waldelefanten
- sind keine Unterart die Afrikanischen Steppenelefanten, sondern eine eigene Spezies. "Afrikas Waldelefanten sowie Steppenelefanten sind so unterschiedlich wie Löwen sowie Tiger", sagt WWF: "At least 26 Elephants Massacred In World Heritage Site"
Mongabay: "Elephants massacred for ivory in Central African Republic"
Video: "A Killing at the Bai"And which measures did WWF and WCS take to protect the Bai? Please read e.g. here:
Conservation Watch: "How WWF and WCS came to hire a private security firm in Dzanga-Sangha, Central African Republic
National Geographic :"DNA Tests Show African Elephants Are Two Species" oder auch Der Standard: "Eigene Spezies: Waldelefant steht seinen Verwandten nicht näher als das Mammut"
- Lebensraum - Beide, die Afrikanischen Waldelefanten sowie die Steppenelefanten, leben in die Afrikanischen Subsahara. Die Waldelenfanten sind Dschungelbewohner. Sie leben in den Regenwäldern in West- sowie Zentralafrika, insbesondere hinein Kongo Becken. Den Lebensraum die Steppenelefanten hingegen bilden die Savannen.
- Stoßzähne - Die Stoßzähne die Waldelefanten sind in die Regel schmaler, weniger gebogen sowie verlaufen parallel, damit sie sich selbst hinein Dickicht des Urwalds nicht so kalorienarm verfangen. Die Stoßzähne die Steppenelefanten sind dicker sowie stärker später außerhalb gebogen.
- Größe - Auch sind Waldelefanten generell kleiner als Steppenelefanten, damit sie sich selbst hinein Dickicht besser fortbewegen können. Bei den Waldelefanten erreicht beliebig ausgewachsener Stier eine Höhe von bis zu 2,5 Metern sowie beliebig Gewicht von 2,7 Tonnen. Bei den Steppenelefanten beträgt die Höhe etwa 3 Meter sowie das Gewicht etwa die 5,5 Tonnen.
- Ohren - Die Ohren die Waldelefanten sind in aller Regel kleiner sowie runder als die die Steppenelefanten.
- Zehennägel - Waldelefanten haben am Vorderfuß fünf Zehennägel sowie am hinteren Fuss vier. Die Steppenelefanten haben am vorderen Fuss vier sowie am hinteren drei Zehennägel.
Massacre of Elephants at the Dzanga Bai UNESCO World Heritage Site
From 2012 to 2014 was eingeschaltet ongoing civil war in the Central African Republic, with a growing chaos caused by a coup de tete on 24.03.2013. Expats and conservationists had to flee the country for their own safety. Then on 06.05.2013 at least 26 elephants inclusive four calves were massacred for ivory in the Dzanga Bai by heavily armed poachers.
Dzanga Sangha about 'this fatal May day'
WWF: "At least 26 Elephants Massacred In World Heritage Site"
Mongabay: "Elephants massacred for ivory in Central African Republic"
Video: "A Killing at the Bai"And which measures did WWF and WCS take to protect the Bai? Please read e.g. here:
Conservation Watch: "How WWF and WCS came to hire a private security firm in Dzanga-Sangha, Central African Republic
the dodo: "Former Israeli Commandos Conserving Elephants"
INFOBOX 2Elefanten-Massaker in die Dzanga Bai UNESCO Weltnaturerbe
Die Zentralafrikanische Demokratie befand sich selbst von 2012 bis 2014 hinein Bürgerkrieg, wobei beliebig Staatsstreich am 24.03.2013 das Ackergrund ins völlige Chaos stürzte. Expats, Natur- sowie Tierschützer mussten sich selbst außer Landes in Sicherheit bringen. Am 06.05.2013 dann wurden bei einem Massaker in die Dzanga Bai mindestens 26 Elefanten incl. vier Kälber für ihr Elfenbein von Wilderern getötet. Weitere Massaker eingeschaltet den Elefanten konnten laut WWF verhindert werden.
WWF: "Dzanga-Sangha: Naturschutz in Zeiten des Bürgerkriegs"
WWFat: "Einzigartige Elefanten-Oase in Gefahr"
Der Tagesspiegel: "Zwischen Milizen sowie Wilderern"
Und welche Maßnahmen haben WWF sowie WCS ergriffen, etwa die Bai zu schützen? Anforderung lest dazu u.a. hier:
WWF: "At least 26 Elephants Massacred In World Heritage Site"
Mongabay: "Elephants massacred for ivory in Central African Republic"
Video: "A Killing at the Bai"And which measures did WWF and WCS take to protect the Bai? Please read e.g. here:
Conservation Watch: "How WWF and WCS came to hire a private security firm in Dzanga-Sangha, Central African Republic
the dodo: "Former Israeli Commandos Conserving Elephants"
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